Shift and Gear Series 3
Are starting to take a new shape of Series
Shift and Gear Series Producer (Eric Wilson) Also he's a presenter on Shift and Gear he says "The Shift and Gear S3 it was a bit staggering by our studio and The Car Crushers 2 Game was help much for us"
Some Segments that are will be Last Time to Life on Shift and Gear
Some segments like The News and Redstone Inventions will be removed due to Two episodes that have no freyz on it
Eric However says "The News Segments will be back on This series at Some of the Episode I think"
Some New Segments is appealing to the Shift And Gear
And Brand new segments on Shift and Gear it was the "Minigames" Segments that where the presenter play some traditional or some famous traditional game or sport to back again by using Cars
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