Something That You Missed In Sandy State Stories Series that's have some connections with The Mario and Frouz The Movie

Hi there I'm Eric from the producer also a director of Sandy State Stories and as well the Director of Upcoming Movies from TenStudios "Mario and Frouz The Movie"

Maybe You know about the Sandy State Stories series that have been surface in YouTube im here to tell some things that you didn't know about Sandy State Stories

Sandy Staat Independence Day
 Sandy Staat Is a Fictional Nation that Located in East-West Of Sierra (TenAnimations Universe) and there is some history about Sandy Staat Independence Day

Sandy Staat name was given by A King from Mittlmagizte called "King Fritz" 
King Fritz found some island that 78% is sand and 56% dirt and high mountains islands and he gave Names of that island as Sandy Island 

In 1890s Solis Imperium Colonisation, That island and The Colonization make some people that lived in Sandy Island was get raped and force labour by Solis Government

On 5 July 1905 Sandy Staat Do some Independence Day War against Solis and The heroes were winning it and until now sandy staat was the glory.

Freyz Lutz Viermitz
Freyz Lutz Viermitz Is a former member of MEFM (Mittlemagizte Intelligence Agency)
And He's Joined MCPD in 1989 and he was born on Little Hansa, Mittlmagizte 1970

Freyz was Have some More Gives, He has High EQ and IQ and his Best Friend "Mario" was offered him to work with him 

And now We see Mario and Frouz The Movie

SSIA is A Secret Agency that solving High severe Crimes like Hacking, Criminal Fugitive to other Sierra Nations and more 

SSIA formed by President Of Sandy Staat "Henry Jones" SSIA formed and established in 2018 

Concord and UFDN
there are some connections with That Concord and UFDN also appears in TenAnimation Universe Concord was describe A World United Nations Organization with some Corruption inside it meanwhile UFDN is new Organization with some good effects to sierra 

ENRIQUE K, The Strikers and NSPD 

Enrique  is an enemy of Mario and His Crew Enrique was described as a guy that creates NSPD and Lots Of his members do some criminals around Sandy Staat 
And The NSPD was fallen Because in 1993 Mario and His Team Made it to arrest Enrique 

The prison, Enrique thinking about making new organisations or clan called "The Strikers"
Their goal is from Hacking to Government Facilities but also some High severe Crimes around sierra 
